Well exploitation manual ebook PDF

  • Dodaj recenzję:
  • Kod: 5630
  • Producent: Hydrogeoplan
  • Autor: Jakub Niezabitowski
  • Rok wydania: 2024
  • Format: PDF, 11 MB

  • szt.
  • Cena netto: 69,11 zł 85,00 zł

Książka eksploatacji studni w wersji drukowanej

Książka eksploatacji studni ebook PDF


Well exploitation manual
ebook PDF



We present to you the well exploitation book prepared in accordance with current local regulations. This book was created based on the practice of hydrogeologists supervising intakes. Certain elements in the book were not altered due to the “good example” contained in the aforementioned regulation. We would be pleased to receive any comments or requests regarding possible changes or additions to the book. We would like the scope of the book to meet the highest requirements of our clients.
Thank you for choosing our publication.


I. Data on the Water Intake (Exploitation Well)
II. Technicak Data of the Well
III. Observations and Measurements During Testing Pumping While Constructing the Well
IV. Well Exploitation Phase
V. Notes on well reconstruction or decommissioning
VI. Works at the Intake related to well reconstruction/ decommissioning

Space for:
1. Documentation map of the intake
2. Well log
3. Copy of the water law decision
4. Water testing


Water Resource Regions (Watershed Areas) in the USA
Pacific Northwest
Great Basin
Lower Colorado
Upper Colorado
Rio Grande
Souris Red Rainy
Upper Mississippi
Lower Mississippi
Great Lakes
